Massage and activating Scar Tissue Treatment

Every scar has its own story. Scars are not always physical. Many scars carry pain that hasn’t been expressed. Scars create numbness, not just in our tissues, but also in our emotions.

Massaging scars can undo pain, both in the body and psychologically. Massaging scar tissue helps us to return to a healthy and natural sensation in and on our bodies.

Physical scars (visible)

  • Recovering from a general operation
  • After an inflammation or accident
  • After laparoscopies
  • Scars from a gynaecological operation
  • After a C-section
  • Following an open fracture
  • Scars from an attempted suicide

Psychological scars (invisible)

  • Where scar tissue is hidden
  • Where scars appear like a bump on the body
  • Any place on the body which is numb or painful (possibly from trauma, violation or rape)
  • Internal affects or trauma following an unwanted or unexpected event in our lives


  • Activates the tissue area for regeneration
  • Revitalisation of numb and painful scar tissue
  • Release of hidden emotions held in the scar tissue
  • Nurturing unhealed spaces inside and on the body


30-60min       NZ$120