Vulva Mapping

“Right now is the moment to allow myself to open the mysterious chambers of Your true Self and finally bring to the surface everything that been hidden under strong layers of prejudice, expectations, pressures and misconceptions.”

(author unknown)

Do you feel you could have deeper intimate experiences in your life as a woman?
Do you want make love with partner and feel more pleasure than pain?
Are you open to explore new ways of releasing energetic blockages built up through past conditionings and physical & emotional scars?

What Exactly Is Yoni Mapping?

Yoni Mapping (also called Vulva Mapping) is a sacred process between a qualified practitioner and her female client to heal and transform physical, mental-emotional and potentially sexual trauma and congestion a woman is feeling at present, usually developed in the past.

All sessions look different, because all of us women have different stories and experiences locked up in our pelvic and sexual.

We’ll start with a face-to-face introductory interview, where you will have the opportunity to express your intention and your requirements.

Then we move over to the massage table. You will wear comfortable clothes and a sarong around your hips.

The actual hands-on session starts with building trust, connection and rapport WITHOUT touch applied at first.

We will conduct an exercise for you to feel and experience your body and sensations and needs coming to surface. You will be taught to develop your very own set of boundaries and readiness.

At some stage, I will ask you whether it would be comfortable, if I stand next to you or get on the table with you, facing you.

I’ll keep my clothes on and I’ll be wearing gloves.

During any agreed hands-on (or possible hands-in part) of the session my professional intent is to harmoniously keep you grounding and regulating your nervous system.

Slowly we are working our way towards more sensitive parts of your body with great care.
Not all sessions include hands-on work—our time together is valuable altogether. We are going at your body’s speed, and you truly learn what that speed is and what it feels like uniquely for you.

This way YOU are in control, learn about your body, set up and develop clear & unique boundaries and make consciousness decisions – now and for the future.

We work point by point. Every spot we give time and consciousness with love & attention. This way all blocked and hidden parts within you can be released, relaxed – and fully activate you.

Make conscious time before and after your session and have an easy and (if possible) rejuvenating schedule planned for the rest of your day.
Overall – sacredness and safety is promised and ensured not just in the actual single session – however for the entire course of treatment period a women chooses to sign up for a program and series of sessions.
Communication and ongoing support in the healing and transformation process is guaranteed.

What is the Vulva (YONI)?

Most notably, the vulva is the outer part of the genitals, while the vagina is the inside canal. The opening of the vagina (the vestibule) is considered part of the vulva. The vulva also consists of the clitoris, prepuce (also known as the clitoral hood), the urethral opening, the labia majora (outer lips), labia minora (inner lips), and the fourchette (the area where the labia meet at the bottom of the vulva).


  • Activates and energises body
  • It helps to connect with the feminine part in you
  • Reduces or even eliminates menstruation pain
  • Opens you up to love yourself & your sexual self more
  • Accept your body in its natural form
  • Relaxes pelvic floor and reproductive organs
  • Builds increased sensation in your intimate area
  • Releases and sets you free from old & dysfunctional trauma
  • Post child-birth naturally releasing of physical & emotional tension and scars
  • Female rehabilitation after surgery and cancer treatment
  • Complimentary during any female medical treatment

Who benefits from Vulva Mapping?

This technique is for ANY woman who seeks an alternative and empowering way to overcome inner and outer struggle and challenges with her body or sexuality – may it be on a physical, emotional, mental and intimate relationship level. Beside the may already listed benefits it increases your self-esteem and self-confidence in your feminine self. Ultimately it affects ALL areas and at ANY day of your life – helping you ‘to dance’ through all pleasant and unpleasant experiences as a woman.

The Glow YONI Mapping Program for Women

A program for women who want to experience more joy, love, openness, sensuality, anchorage and direction in their lives. A program to increase the intensity and quality of sexual experience.

I always compile the Vulva Mapping program individually to measure according to the introductory interview, where we will find out your intention and your requirements. The program consists of practical exercises in which I will guide you through a loving attentive touch to increase the ability to experience and feel the intimate parts of your body. You will learn how to bring more consciousness and loving attention to these places, which are the basis of life and our life energy and vitality. You will gain the ability to experience more and deeper, or also to release old blocks, tension and more open to love and joy. It is also possible to treat scars, injuries or numbness caused by childbirth, surgery or abuse.

“Vulva Mapping” (Yoni Mapping) requires a minimum of 3 sessions with no more than 30 days apart from each other.

Each session is 1.5 to 3 hrs plus a follow-up phone call between each of the sessions


3-Session Package        NZ$850

5-Session Package        NZ$1100

Full Follow-up Session NZ$300